Friday, January 05, 2007

Photos Found of New Year's Eve - New Year's Day

During our Christmas break in Koh Lanta, Thailand we brought both of our cameras. Jonny's didn't do so well with the sand while we were there. After a few months Jonny finally got around to fixing our camera. I thought I would post some of the pictures from our New Year's Eve in Koh Lanta. These pictures brought back some great memories!

We attended the New Year's Eve dinner on our last night at Layana. It was compulsory, so we had to pay for our dinner whether we ate there or not. The spread was beautiful and it was nicely decorated.


Here is Gemma with her friend Sabrina from Germany. Her mother was so sweet and Sabrina was such a great kid. She played with Gemma most days at the pool. Sabrina is 10 year old and it really helped Gemma improve her swimming hanging out with her. The other incredible thing about the two of them hanging out was Sabrina didn't speak any English, but they were able to communicate very well without words.

After dinner there were a few performance.

First a fire twirler.

Then a Thai Boxing Exhibition.


After dinner there were lots of fireworks. It was a bit on the dangerous side as there were people trying to light fireworks over the ocean, but they kept coming back towards us. Jonny and I just hid behind a tree.



The next day we had to get up extremely early to catch our boat to get us to the airport in time for our 10 am flight back to Bangkok. Here we are very sad to leave this paradise!


On the boat to the airport.

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